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Email Signature Copy-paste the following: Juan PanamáCreative Services DirectorUassist.MEP: (813) 666 0955W: www.uassistme.comE: juanp@uassistme.comThe information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may...
FORBES: 5 Tips For More Effective Virtual Delegation

FORBES: 5 Tips For More Effective Virtual Delegation

As an entrepreneur you find yourself in the need to delegate some work to be able to focus on the really important aspects of your business and everyday life. It is, of course, key, to find the right person to delegate on, a reliable, hard working person that has the...


As an entrepreneur, you feel so proud of yourself for taking the firsts steps towards becoming a business owner; you have an idea that will sell millions (hopefully), you have the skills, you even have that business plan everybody always talks about; but you also have...