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If you have a business which is mostly handled over the Internet (selling services or products), you will surely be aware that communication is an essential part of leading your corporation. There are a lot of different tools you can use to keep in touch with your clients, or co-workers. Some of them are better for teaching, while other specialize more in providing alternate voice/video conference options. In any case, both options can truly help your ongoing business efforts!



Skype is a very popular video calling software. It allows users all around the world to communicate using a microphone and a webcam. You can also add more than one person to your Skype session and talk to them. Skype also allows you to chat and change files between users, and of course, Skype can also be used from smartphones (as long as you have data, or a Wi-Fi connection).

What really makes Skype stand out, is their paying feature. By paying at least $10 monthly, you can make international calls to home or cellphones all around the world, to a lot cheaper price than you would from a regular phone line.



OnSync makes talking easier than ever! – Particularly while presenting a product or service, for example. OnSync interface is Flash-based, which allows different features to be added while in a conference call. For example, you can pull up a white board and start drawing graphics in real time. It also allows you to share different documents by just dragging and dropping them on your screen, and it records your calls if you want to. Their services start from $29 monthly for 5 concurrent users.



SightSpeed offers the usual multi-party conferencing, file sharing, and chatting capability. You also get the option to record a Video and Voice Recording in case you are not able to take the video call and they also do offer a video mail service to ensure that you won’t miss any call or conference. Heads up!: he maximum simultaneous participants on SightSpeed are 9.

Just be advised, that SightSpeed does not offer any smartphone compatibility.



GoToMeeting specializes in Webinars and screen sharing. It is very simple to use, the host just provides the user with a code, and the program will link up with the session immediately. Also, unlike other softwares, sharing screen actually won´t make your connection lag, or lower your image resolution.

Their GoToTraining feature, will also program your schedules, and create your invitation and registration. While working on registering people online, you can even include registration questions, which will help you better to rate, or know the people you will be interacting with! 



eBuddy offers you the possibility to chat online using your computer or your smartphone. What makes this service noteworthy is its versatility. You can use your Gmail account, or your Facebook account, or any other chatting account you may have (it supports most of the popular chatting systems nowadays). Unlike MSN Messenger, you won’t have to download any software to use it, it can be done easily online.


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