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People can do almost everything from a mobile phone, including playing with some apps to pass time. According to a 2012 study (The Digital Revolution: A look through the marketer’s lens), 64% of mobile phone time is spent on apps, out of that 5.5% people used social networking apps, 2.3% Music/Video Apps and 55.8% other type of apps.

So the apps that you are going to find out in this post go into the “55.8 other apps” group. Will you ever purchase an app that can annoy a teenager? Or one to keep track of the bathrooms you have used? Well my friend, here is a list of some of the most plain weird, quirky and why not “original” apps you’ve ever heard of. (I cannot help to wonder how the idea of creating these apps popped up in its creator head).


This app can be good for the parents with a rebellious teenage son or daughter or for anyone with the need to annoy a teen. This this app produces an irritating high frequency sound that only teenagers can hear and depending on the sensitivity of the ear you might or might not hear the noise but for sure a teenage will.  Young people – 20 years old or less- can hear sounds up to about 20kHz while middle-aged adults can usually hear only up to 12-14 kHz. A user review state it’s a dollar ($0.99) well spent. To get it click here.

Farting Dancing Baby.

The name says it all. Laughing babies are fun… and for some farting-burping babies are fun too; but for sure many will agree that a nonstop laugh of a baby is contagious like the flu. So, if you agree that laughing (farting-burping) babies are fun you will like this app. It consist on an animated wall paper of a baby in a potty, depending if you touch the baby’s belly, tickle his leg, or shake your phone the little toddler will laugh, dance or fart and burp. It’s available on Google play, you can find it here.

Places I’ve pooped.

You have an emergency because nature is calling, you can feel the force within you! But oh my! You don’t really know where to find a bathroom. But have no fear my friend! With this app you will not have those problems anymore because you will have a tracker of all the places you have took number 2 business before and you will know where bathroom are available. Find this app here.

Bowel Mover.

Now that you have an app to track where you evacuated, if you also have the necessity of having a digestion journal this is your app. Bowel Mover will help you track your digestion and health habits, what’s helps you “go” or not, what gets your “bowels moving”. You can get it here.

Paper Racing.

Since we are already in related bathroom fields, this app it’s pretty simple but sure can entertain you for a while. The game will pair you up with another player, AKA your friend, to see who wind the battle of spinning off a roll of toilet paper, the fastest you roll it out the better. Ready to be the king or queen of the toilet paper? You can find the game in Google Play or by clicking here.