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Nowadays, starting a business is a challenge that many people around the world are willing to take. Several people achieve this, however, very few end up becoming a successful and recognized business owner.  No one will embark in a big financial adventure without expecting to get the most out of it. So, we have prepared our top five tips that many powerful business men and women have shared with the world.

First of all, work hard! Not even those successful business people started walking in a marvelous paved road.  If you are in the start-up phase of your business, the key of success is working really hard. Try to spend every minute of your day thinking of several innovative ways to increase your production in a cost effective manner. The complements you need besides working hard is to keep in mind your goals and vision. Also, being passionate about what you really want, makes this new entrepreneurial adventure something worth fighting for.

Networking is an influential weapon that you can take into consideration to gain recognition. Meeting the right people at the right time can bring you many business opportunities that definitely will enrich your business experience. Are you wondering how to achieve this? Well, join business events or associations where you might be able to connect yourself with other business people. Also, give it a shot and apply to business contests!  Keep in mind that many consider networking as one of the most cost-effective methods to advertise yourself, so this is this one of the most cost efficient way to gain recognition among other business owners. We highly recommend this!

To have business exposure, it is also important to get a powerful online presence. Do not underestimate the value of having a strong presence on the web. Remember, the internet can be used as a marketing platform that can make your business be known around the world. You just need to play smart! Make your business exist!  Be sure that an outstanding website, an interesting blog, and an account on Twitter and Facebook will help you to make your business a well-known one.

Many business people have considered the press to gain recognition. How can they get presence on the press? Get in touch with them! You can use; for example, a service like HARO (Help a Reporter Out) where a reporter can reach you to get your opinion on a specific topic. That way, you will get exposure in other websites, others that yours, for free.

Finally, last but not least, never forget your customers, they can speak for and about you! Customers are the easiest way to market your business; therefore, make sure to provide an outstanding customer service. Also, keep an eye in the quality of your product or service because that is your CV. If customers feel that your product deserves the price that you are charging, they will not go and jut pay for it; they will spread the word and make your business known. Thus you will gain recognition and you might even stir others to invest in your idea.